
医院抗菌药物应用的管理方法探讨 被引量:28

Evaluation on Administration Method of Antibiotics Application in Hospital
摘要 目的 防止抗菌药物的滥用,减少细菌耐药的产生。方法 通过加强领导,充分发挥好领导管理监督作用,建立健全合理使用抗菌药物的管理制度;加强对医务人员业务知识培训; 提高检验科的细菌培养与药物敏感试验效率; 制定抗菌药物的用药原则和联合用药原则; 加大督查力度,严把药品关;每月公布细菌培养的病原菌和药敏结果;对全院抗菌药物的使用认真督查,把督查情况以多种形式及时向全院各科反馈,并对滥用抗菌药物的科室和个人,进行一定的经济处罚等措施来加强药品管理。结果 我院抗菌药物的滥用得到有效地控制。结论 我们采取的这些综合管理与控制措施行之有效。 OBJECTIVE To prevent the abuse of antibiotics and reduce the appearance of drug-resistant bacteria. METHODS Various methods were used to enhance the supervision of antibiotics, for instance, strengthen the leadership and fully exert the management function of leaders, establish rational management regulations to use antibiotics; strengthen the training of the doctors and nurses; increase the efficiency of culture and drug-sensitive test; stipulate the rules and principles for the use of antibiotics ;increase the supervision and strictly control the purchase of medicine; publish monthly the result of culturing the pathogenic bacteria and the allergic cases; implement strict inspection and supervision of the use of the antibiotics in hospital, and make a timely feedback of the inspection in various forms, and give certain economic punishment to the medical personal and the departments concerned. RESULTS The effective control of the abuse use of the antibiotics in hospital was obtained. CONCLUSIONS The comprehensive measures of the control of antibiotics abuse adopted in hospital have been proven effective.
出处 《中华医院感染学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期436-438,共3页 Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
关键词 抗菌药物 耐药 管理 Antibiotics Drug resistance Administration
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