

Detection of norwalk-like virus in outbreaks of gastroenteritis
摘要 目的 确定暴发性胃肠炎中诺沃克样病毒的检测方法。方法 对2 0 0 3年10月和2 0 0 4年3月广东省疾病预防控制中心收集到的2起(广州市、江门市各1起)急性胃肠炎暴发患者的粪便和肛拭子标本,采用针对诺沃克样病毒的特异引物和逆转录 聚合酶链反应(RT PCR)技术进行检测,再经核苷酸序列测定方法证实,并与酶联免疫方法进行比较。结果 用RT PCR进行检测,12份急性期粪便标本(广州标本)中诺沃克样病毒阳性11份,13份肛拭子(江门标本)中阳性4份;用酶联免疫方法进行检测,11份粪便标本中有8份阳性,13份肛拭子标本均为阴性;阳性样本经序列分析证实为诺沃克样病毒GⅡ组,其中从广州标本中所获得的广州株与af39913的核酸相似性为96 7% ,从江门标本中所获得的江门株与saitamaU4毒株的核酸相似性为94 5 %。结论 采用PCR和酶标方法可有效地进行粪便的诺沃克样病毒检测。 Objective To establish a method for detection in specimens from gastroenteritis outbreaks. Methods Norwalk-like virus was detected by RT-PCR, proved by DNA sequencing and compared by ELISA in feces and anal swab samples collected from two gastroenteritis outbreaks in October 2003 to March 2004. Results The positive rates of norwalk-like virus in feces and anal swab were 91.67% (11/12) and 30.77% (4/13) respectively by RT-PCR and 72.73% (8/11) and 0(0/13) respectively by ELISA. The virus isolated was identified as norwalk-like virus genogroup Ⅱ. Conclusion RT-PCR and ELISA can be used to test norwalk-like virus in feces effectively but in anal swab less sensitively.
出处 《华南预防医学》 2005年第2期39-41,共3页 South China Journal of Preventive Medicine
关键词 诺沃克样病毒 胃肠炎 序列分析 RNA Norwalk-like virus Gastroenteritis Sequence analysis, RNA
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