
男性应当在维护与促进生殖健康中承担更大的责任 被引量:8

Men should take more resposibility for upholding and promoting reproductive health
摘要 生殖健康是人类在生殖活动中具有生理、精神及社会诸方面的完全健康状态,它是实现“2000年人人享有卫生保健”目标的重要一环。当前生殖健康状况令人堪忧,男性必须在促进生殖健康中承担更大的责任。要加强男用节育方法的研究,改变男用节育方法研究的落后状况,把男性的生育、不育与节育研究密切协调起来,使之在治疗不育、控制生育以及提高人类素质方面发挥重要作用。中国在这方面取得了很大成就。 The reproductive health for mankind is a station of whole health in physiogy, spirit and society in reproductive action. It is a important section of accomplishing that everyone enyoies health care in 2000. Men should take more resposibiiity for upholding and promoting health. The study on the motheds of birth control for the male should be strengthened. The fertility and infertility should be closely combined with study on birth control.
作者 王一飞
出处 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 1994年第6期14-16,共3页 Maternal and Child Health Care of China
关键词 计划生育 男性 生殖健康 节育方法 Men Reproductive health Birth control mothed for male
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