AIM:To invesgate the reason and prevention measures of tricuspid insufficiency after transcatheter closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defects (VSDs) . METHODS:13 patients (male 7,female 6) suffered with tricuspid insufficiency attempted transcatheter closure of a VSDs at a median age of 5±2.7 years (range 3 to 12) . Among them 11 cases was perimembranous VSDs associated with an aneurysmal septum,2 cases was simple perimembranous VSDs. 10 cases was cystoma-type defects and 3 cases was infundibular-type defects. The mean VSD diameter at its left ventricular side by the left ventricular graphies(LVG) was 4~14(7.3±2.3) mm . RESULTS: The mean VSD diameter at its left ventricular side was 4~15(7.5±2.4) mm,the distance of VSDs to tricuspid valve was 2~3.4(2.6±0.5)mm . the right side of cystoma-type defects had several outlets with largest outlet diameter of 2~6 mm . 9 cases suffered with tricuspid small insufficiency and one immediately after the procedures, one cases with small to moderate tricuspid insufficiency.one cases suffered with tricuspid insufficiency with sea-gull-moo, sea-gull-moo was disappeared 24 hours after procedure and tricuspid insufficiency was disappeared 3 d after procedure.a five-year-old child with anomally attachment of tricuspid chordae tendineae (near to defects) ,no tricuspie insufficiency was found 24 hours after the procedure,however,moderate to large tricuspie insufficiency was found due to tear of anterior valve chordae tendineae detected by thransthoracic echocardiography.one case with diameter of 15mm associated with right side multiple outlets with largest outlet 6mm, 16 mm occluder was implanted,echocardiographt revealed that there was no triscupid insufficiency immediately 7 d. 1 m after the procedure,however, a small to moderate tricuspid insufficiency was detected by echocardiography at 3 month follow up. CONCLUSION: tricuspid insufficiency after transcatheter closure of perimembranous ventricular septal defects (VSDs) may be related to injury of tricuspid chordae tendineae by catheter or wire.abration of chordae tendineae and device desigh.These problems should be alert to physicians.
Chinese Heart Journal
ventrial septal defects, transcatheter closure,occluders,valve