
骨样骨瘤的影像诊断 被引量:4

Imaging diagnosis of osteoid osteoma
摘要 目的评价平片、CT,MRI对骨样骨瘤的诊断价值。方法18例骨样骨瘤均摄平片,其中16例经CT检查,4例行MRI检查;分析骨样骨瘤的平片、CT,MRI影像学表现。结果骨样骨瘤典型表现为瘤巢及周围反应性骨质硬化,且随病变部位不同而有所差异。诊断准确性平片为92.9%,CT为100%,MRI为83.3%。结论平片是诊断骨样骨瘤的基本手段,CT为最可靠方法,MRI需结合平片、CT进行诊断。 Objective To assess the value of X-ray plain film, CT and MRI i n the diagnosis of osteoid osteoma.Methods Eighteen patients with clinically suspe cted osteoid osteoma initially underwent conventional X-ray plain film examinat ions and then 16 patients underwent additional CT and 4 patients underwent MRI e xaminations.Imaging findings of osteoid osteoma,which were obtained from above t hree imaging techniques were analyzed and compared each other.Results Typical im aging findings of osteoid osteoma were found to be tumoral nests formation and p eritumoral reactive osteosclerosis and those findings were different with distri bution locations of the lesions.The diagnostic accuracy of osteoid osteoma was 9 2.9 %for X-ray plain film,100 %for CT,and 83.3 %for MRI,respectively.Conclus ion For the imaging diagnosis of osteoid osteoma,X-ray plain film is a principa l means.CT is more reliable method,while MRI needs combination with X-ray plain film or CT.
出处 《实用医学影像杂志》 2005年第2期98-99,106,共3页 Journal of Practical Medical Imaging
关键词 骨样骨瘤 平片 CT MRI Osteoid osteoma X-ray plain film CT MRI
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