
一种亚像素边缘检测方法 被引量:1

An Edge Detection Method of Sub-Pixel
摘要 提出一种新的亚像素边缘检测方法,此方法先经过传统模板算子粗定位边缘,然后再用ZOM矩算法精确定位。并给出此种方法的具体实现步骤,实验证明这种方法检测精度可达到亚像素级,具有很好的检测稳定性,有很强的实用价值。 The paper presents a new sub-pixel measuring m et hod which confirms the approximate position of edge by conventional template fir st and then sets the precise position of edge by zernike operator moment (ZOM), also it gives the specific implementation steps. The measuring results show that this method can obtain sub-pixel locating accuracy, higher stability and relia bility in the running process,so it has important applied value.
作者 杨光
出处 《山西电子技术》 2005年第2期16-17,共2页 Shanxi Electronic Technology
关键词 图像处理 边缘检测 ZOM矩 亚像素 ZOM检测原理 image processing edge detection zernike operator moment sub-pixel
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