
二维分形海面的全极化散射模型 被引量:2

Full polarized scattering model of 2-Dsea fractal surface
摘要 采用二维分形海面模型模拟海面状态,根据惠根斯原理,把海面近似为无数克希霍夫散射面,并根据驻相原理导出散射面法线的方向导数,推导出笛卡儿坐标系下椭圆极化入射时海面的散射场和局部坐标系下的散射系数矩阵,建立了二维分形海面的全极化双站雷达散射模型,并数值计算了全极化海面雷达截面。与经典单极化散射模型相比,该模型不仅保留共极化(HH极化VV极化)散射信息,还包含了多极化SAR海浪谱反演过程中必不可少的交叉极化(VH极化HV极化)信息。数值结果表明用该模型计算的共极化雷达截面与其他文献计算的结果能很好的吻合。同时给出了二维分形海面的不同接收方位雷达截面的数值模拟结果。 Exploiting Huygen's principle, Kirchhoff approximation and model of sea fractal surface, the scattering fields of 2-D sea fractal surface illuminating by ellipse polarization wave in Cartesian coordinate system is derived out. Then full polarize scattering model is established. The novel model of this paper not only reserves co-polarization (HH polar and VV polar) scattering but also comprises cross-polarization scattering (VH polar and HV polar). Compared with single polarization scattering model, the necessary cross-polarization information is reserved in this model. Numerical results show that radar cross section (RCS) of co-polar which calculating by this model is in good agreement with that of other literatures. The numerical simulation the RCS in different receiving direction is present.
出处 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期216-221,246,共7页 Chinese Journal of Radio Science
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(2002AA633120) 国家自然科学基金(40276050)
关键词 二维分形海面 全极化 散射模型 散射系数 合成孔径雷达 Calculations Computer simulation Polarization Radar cross section Scattering Synthetic aperture radar Two dimensional
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