
地质矿山三维建模技术研究 被引量:25

Research on 3D modeling technology for geology and mine
摘要 重点阐述了块体模型、实体模型和四面体模型的建模方法和步骤, 并指出各模型的优缺点。分析了国外著名地质采矿软件特点和在国内的应用现状, 最后给出几点结论。 The paper introduced the modeling method and process for the block model, solid model and tetrahedron model. The paper pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of each model. The paper analyzed the features of the famous foreign geological and mining software and the applied status in China. In the end of the paper, the paper made the several conclusions.
出处 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第4期46-49,共4页 Coal Science and Technology
关键词 3D 地质 矿山 建模 D geology mine modeling
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