
计算机选择矿井火灾时期最佳避灾路线的研究 被引量:18

Selecting the Optimum Escape Routes by a Computer during a Mine Fire
摘要 本文结合一个大型实际生产矿井,在设定火灾灾变的前提条件下,对火灾时期井巷的可通行性、通行的难易度、k最短路算法等进行了深入的研究。提出了依据灾情变化确定避灾路线可通行性的方法;对影响井巷通行难易度的因素进行了分析并建立了相应的计算模型;还提出了以k最短路基本定理为基础求解k条最佳避灾路线的简便新算法。 Taking a large-scale mine suffered an assumed mine fire as an example,the paper studies the accessibility of roadways,the degrees of difficulty in passing throughroadways during the mine fire as well as the algorithm of″k-shortest paths″,The method of detem1ination of escape routes according to the condition of the fire disaster has beenput forward.The paper analyses the factors influencing the degrees of difficulty in passingthrough roadways and establishes corresponding calculation models.It gives a simplemethod for determining the optimum escape routes on the basis of the basic law of″k-shortest paths″.
出处 《中国矿业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第3期27-32,共6页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology
关键词 避灾路线 计算机模拟 矿山火灾 mine fire,escape route,computer simulation
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