目的 探讨肠易激综合征(IBS)患者消化不良症状与固体胃排空之间的关系。方法 采用不透X线标志物测定54例IBS患者餐后6小时残留胃内的钡条数,确定6种消化不良症状并对每种症状计分。结果 IBS患者中有消化不良症状者占54%,便秘型IBS患者与腹泻型IBS患者的消化不良症状总积分无明显差异(P>0. 05)。便秘型IBS患者中有消化不良症状者的固体胃排空延迟发生率较无消化不良症状者明显高(P<0. 05 ),腹泻型IBS患者中有消化不良症状者和无消化不良症状者的固体胃排空延迟发生率比较,无明显差异(P>0. 05);便秘型IBS患者的固体胃排空延迟发生率较腹泻型IBS高(P<0. 01)。结论 便秘型IBS患者消化不良症状与固体胃排空延迟可能相关,腹泻型IBS患者消化不良症状与固体胃排空延迟无关。
Objective To evaluate gastric emptying of solids (GES) and its relationship with dyspeptic symptoms in IBS patients.Methods In 54 IBS patients,gastric emptying of solid food was examined by detecting the position of the markers at 6h after the standard test meal with radiopaque markers.Six dyspeptic symptoms were evaluated using a validated questionnaire.Results Overlapping dyspeptic symptoms were observed in 54% IBS patients.Total dyspeptic symptoms score were similar in C-IBS and D-IBS patients(P >0.05).The rate of delayed GES in C-IBS patients with dyspeptic symptoms was higher than that without dyspeptic symptoms (P<0.05).The rate of delayed GES was similar in D-IBS patients with and without dyspeptic symptoms(P>0.05).The rate of delayed GES in C-IBS patients was higher than that in D-IBS patients(P<0.01).Conclusion Association exists probably in C-IBS patients between delayed GES and dyspeptic symptoms.No association exists in D-IBS patients between delayed GES and dyspeptic symptoms.
Journal of Clinical Internal Medicine
Dyspeptic symptoms
Gastric emptying
Irritable bowel syndrome