采用C57BL/6鼠荷其自发产生的黑色素瘤B_16细胞,以生存期为指标,建立了黄茂多糖(APS)增强IL-2/LAK抗肿瘤作用的动物模型,结果表明:APS自身具有一定的抗肿瘤作用,APS(5mg/kg)与IL-2/LAK(5×10 ̄3U/kg、5×10 ̄7/kg)的抗肿瘤作用相似,荷瘤鼠生存期分别为21.57±1.81天和20.86±1.86天(荷瘤对照鼠为15.71±0.49天);APS对IL-2/LAK的抗肿瘤效应有明显的增强作用,二者在上述剂量下联合应用,荷瘤鼠生存期为24.86±2.73天(P<0.01)。并对荷瘤鼠进行动态细胞免疫功能观察,提示:APS和IL-2/LAM均具有抵抗鼠脾NK细胞活性,IL-2产生能力和腹腔Mψ吞噬能力下降的作用,APS对IL-2/LAK仍有显著增强效应。
e established the
experimental animal model using the mouse C_57BL/6 which carried
themelanocytoma B_16 cells, The life span data of Astragalus
Polysaccharide(APS)therapy and thecombined therapy with IL-2 /LAK
were collected.The resuIts showed that APS alone has anti-tumor
effect :the APS therapy(5mg/kg)is compared favourably the combination
of IL-2(5×10 ̄3U/kg)with LAK(5× 10 ̄7U/kg).The life spans of the
tumor carrying mice were 21.57±1。81 and 20.86±1.86 days
respectively(control group:15.71±0.49 days).APS enhanced
sig-nificantly the IL-2/LAK antitumor effect.The combined therapy
medicines at the abovedosages were given to the tumor carrying mice
and the life span is 24.86±2.73 days(P < 0.01).The dynamic
observation of cellular immune function was made in the treatment
process oftumor carrying mice and the resuIts show that the decrease
tendency of NK activity,IL-2 prc-ducing ability of spleen cells and
abdominal Mψ phagocytatic function with the time were antago-nized
by the APS,IL-2/LAK,and the combined therapy was preffered。
Chinese Journal of Immunology