
基于地理信息系统的苍术道地药材气候生态特征研究 被引量:97

Habitat characteristics for the growth of Atractylodes lancea based on GIS
摘要 目的:寻找苍术道地产区生境特征。方法:通过逐步回归分析寻找影响苍术质量的生态主导因子;通过实地调查、文献分析结合气候数据分析明确影响苍术生长发育的生态限制因子;使用IDIRIEIW软件对苍术研究样地30年间生态主导因子和限制因子的均值进行空间插值,提取茅山地区气候因子参数进行空间叠加分析,寻找茅山地区生境特征。结果:研究发现降雨量是影响苍术挥发油含量的重要生态主导因子之一;高温是影响苍术生长发育的生态限制因子之一;苍术道地药材原产地生境特征为年均温高于15℃,冷月平均最低温度为(- 2~- 1)℃,热月平均最高温度在32℃左右,极端低温(- 17~- 15 )℃,旱季约为1~2个月,年降水量约为10 0 0~116 0mm。结论:茅山地区气候具有高温、旱季短、雨量充足的特点;苍术道地药材形成具有逆境效应。 Objective: To study the habitat characteristics for the growth of Atractylodes lancea. Method: The leading factors for the growth of A. lancea are determined after stepwise regression, and the limiting factor are determined by field study, literature search, and weather records. The mean values of leading factors and the limiting factors of A. lancea for 30 years were applied to do spatial interpolation using IDIRIEIW sofewares. An overlay was prerformed using data obtained in Mt. Maoshan and the general habitat of A. lancea. Result:It was found that precipitation is one of the dominant climate factors that affects the quality of A. lancea. High temperature was one of the limiting factor which influences the living of A. lancea. The best habitat was determined to be:annual mean temperature more than 15 ℃, monthly mean minimum temperature between -2--1 ℃, monthly mean maximum temperature about 32 ℃, lowest tolerable temperature (-17--15 ℃), drought season 1~2 months, annual mean precipitation between 1 000~1 160 mm. Conclusion: Mt. Maoshan was characterized by having high temperature, short drought season and adequate precipitation. The growth of A. Lancea is a result of environmental stress.
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第8期565-569,共5页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 科技基础性工作和社会公益研究专项(2 0 0 3DIB3J110 )
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