
中国基础研究经费占R&D经费的比例多大为宜 被引量:25

What percentage of basic research investment to R&D investment is advisable
摘要 基于各国经验,特别是美国50年来的相关数据,提出和论证了关于基础研究经费占R&D经费比例问题的三个假说.把这三个假说与中国的实际相结合,预测了2002~2020年中国基础研究经费占R&D经费的比例及经费的资助结构和执行结构,其中,全国基础研究经费占R&D经费的比例,到2010年为7.5%,2020年为10.5%. Based on the international experiences, especially the related data of USA in the past 50 years, this paper raises and demonstrates three hypotheses about the percentage of basic research investment to R&D investment. Combining the three hypotheses with practice of China, this paper forecasts the percentages of basic research investment to R&D investment ,and the funding and performing structures of basic research and R&D investment of China in the years of 2002~2020, in which, a percentage of 7.5 in 2010, and of 10 5 in 2020
作者 肖广岭
出处 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第2期197-203,共7页 Studies in Science of Science
关键词 基础研究 R&D经费 basic research R&D investment
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