
胃大部切除BillrothⅡ式吻合术后ERCP检查 被引量:4

摘要 对35例胃大部切除BillrothⅡ式吻合术后的患者施行ERCP检查,29例造影成功(83%),失败6例,无严重并发症。其中19例阳性发现(66%),认为该项检查有重要临床价值。详细阐述了胃肠正常解剖途径改变所致内镜操作困难的技术问题及注意事项。 he article reported the experience of ERCP examination in 35 patients afterBillroth Ⅱgastrectomy. The exam was successful in 29 cases and positive diag-nosis of biliary disorders were obstained in 19 of them. 6 cases failed majorly be-cause of not adequate length of the endoscope. As biliary disorders occur moreoften after gastrectomy than in ordinary population and the image of BUS mightbe altered by adhesion of and gas in duodenum, ERCP is of essential importancein these patients. The article described the difficulties and techniques in detailwhich mainly included identification of the afferent limb and catheterization intothe papillary opening in an opposite direction than uaual.
出处 《中国普通外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 1994年第4期223-226,共4页 China Journal of General Surgery
关键词 ERCP 胃切除 吻合术 内窥镜 Billroth H gastrectomyi ERCP.
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