瑞典是世界上第一个在全国范围内测量顾客满意度的国家,建立了瑞典顾客满意度晴雨表( SCSB)。SCSB基于瑞典30多个行业1 0 0多个企业的顾客年度调查数据对于整个国家经济产出的质量状况进行测量。根据SCSB在瑞典前3年的发展状况,针对SCSB对瑞典国内各行业的影响结果进行分析,进而得出推论——顾客满意度在供给相同需求各异的行业偏低;在需求和供给相匹配的行业偏高;在高度依赖重复购买的行业偏高;而在垄断行业偏低。
Sweden is the first country which has established a national economic indicator reflecting customer satisfaction. The Customer Satisfaction Barometer (CSB) is an index based on annual survey data from customers of more than 100 leading companies' iover 30 industries. The CSB measures quality of output as experienced by the buyer. The CSB was examined in its first 3 years of application. Overall, CSB scores were lower in industries where supply is homogeneous and demand heterogeneous,and they were significantly higher in industries where heterogeneity-homogeneity in demand is matched by supply. Industries in general are found to have a high level of customer satisfaction if they are highly dependent on satisfaction for repeat business. The opposite is found for industries in which companies have more captive markets.
Chinese Journal of Management