
经济学评价方法在环境健康影响评价中的适用性 被引量:8

Discussion on the Application of Economic Approaches for Environmental Health Impact Assessment
摘要 通过比较分析多种环境健康经济学评价方法的机制发现,人力资本法和预防性支出法难以全面评价环境污染的健康效应,数据质量及数据可得性限制了特征工资法和特征价格法的应用,因其结果外推性不佳,不适宜全国水平的健康影响评价,依据研究者主观意愿的条件价值法能够独立评价不同环境因素所致的健康损害,其灵活独特的方法受到研究者的普遍青睐,但这几种方法均不能体现健康效应对国民经济的影响;通过模拟经济系统内多部门间相互依存、相互影响的机制,基于Walars一般均衡理论的可计算一般均衡方法,能比较客观地反映环境污染所致健康损害对国内生产总值(GDP)的影响。可计算一般均衡方法用于健康影响评价的研究在中国尚处于起步阶段,亟待深入研究以便于进行不同评价方法之间的比较。 There are multiple sophisticated approaches that can be used in estimations on health effects resulting from environmental pollution. By comparison, human capital approach and averted expenditure approach are not suitable to be the first choice because of the insufficient capability of capturing all aspects of health effects. Date availability and estimation extrapolation limit the application of hedonic wage approach and hedonic price approach. It has been accepted universally for the flexible technique provided by contingent valuation approach that any health effects can be separately evaluated depending on researchers' purposes. Based on the powerful macroeconomic theory, general equilibrium theory, the CGE model is powerful to simulate the mechanism of interaction between multi-sectors with a national economic system so as to objectively reflect the health impacts on national economy due to environmental pollution.
作者 杨宏伟 宛悦
出处 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期222-226,共5页 Journal of Environment and Health
关键词 环境污染 卫生经济学 人力资本法 预防性支出法 特征工资法 特征价格法 条件价值法 可计算一般均衡方法 Environmental pollution Health economics Human capital approach Averted expenditure approach Hedonic wage approach Hedonic price approach Contingent valuation approach Computable general equilibrium approach
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