由于ATE系统的复杂性和多样性 ,致使确定一种通用的ATE校准方案十分困难 ,目前还没有统一的国际 /国家标准可以参照。ATE系统校准从方法上可以分为离站校准和在站校准两大类 ,本文分析了传统离站校准方法的特点及缺陷 ,提出解决这些不足应该采用在站校准的观点。并结合某型直升机飞控系统ATE校准实践 ,论述了将ATE作为一个整体来进行校准的优点 ,研究了这种在站校准的基本思路和需要解决的一些硬件及软件关键问题。提出了一种利用ATE系统内部计量链向国家标准溯源的ATE系统校准方法 ,最后介绍了用该方法对某型直升机ATE系统进行校准的实施步骤及校准结果。
It is difficult to make a general purpose ATE calibration scheme due to the system complexity and variety. And there are no uniform international or national standards for reference presently. ATE calibration approaches divided into two major categories, off-station and on-station calibration. This paper analyzed the features and the disadvantages of a traditional off-station calibration, and draw a conclusion that general solution to the above problems is an on-station calibration method. Based on the system calibration practice for the ATE to test a helicopter flight control system, this paper presents some key issues of the calibration software and hardware to be addressed in the on-station calibration solution. This paper also provides a kind of method to trace to the national standards using the metrological chain in the ATE system, and converts this method into implemental steps. At last, the system calibration results are given.
Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation