Objective To evaluate the in vitro biological effects of plat elet-derived growth factor-BB(PDGF-BB) and/or epidermal growth factor(EGF) on th e proliferation, fibronectin and alkaline phosphatase activity of human periodon tal ligament(PDL) cells. Methods PDL cells were obtained from healthy donors. C ells(6×105/200 μL) were cultured for 1,2,3,4, or 5 days in DMEM supplemented w ith 2% FBS alone(control),or containing PDGF-BB(1,5,10 or 50 ng/ml), or containi ng EGF(1,5,10 or 50 ng/ml) or containing both. Proliferation of the PDL cells wa s measured by MTT colorimeteric assay. Fibronectin was determined by ELISA. ALPa se activity was measured by enzyme kinetic methods. Data was analyzed by ANOVA. Results PDGF-BB induced proliferation of PDL in a dose-and time dependent manne r(P<0.01) with an optimal concentration of 10ng/ml, at day 3. Maximal effect on proliferation was 256.1%. PDGF-BB inhibited ALPase activity but did not affect f ibronectin synthesis. EGF up-regulated the synthesis of fibronectin and inhibite d ALPase activity. Lower concentration of EGF demonstrated no significant differ ences from control, whereas it enhanced the proliferation of PDL cells at 10~50 ng/ml, with an optimal concentration of 10ng/ml, at day 4. Maximal effect on pro liferation was 124.1%. The effect of combination of PDGF-BB with EGF was the mos t signification one (P<0.001). Conclusion PDGF-BB and/or EGF can promote the pr oliferation of PDL cells and inhibited ALPase activity. EGF up-regulated the syn thesis of fibronectin, but not the PDGF. The data suggested that these growth fa ctors might be valuable in promoting the regeneration of periodontal connective tissue.
Journal of Tropical Medicine