目的 了解陕西省新生儿乙型肝炎(乙肝)疫苗(HepB)接种现况和影响接种的因素。方法 于2 0 0 3年8~9月,采用分层多阶段随机抽样方法调查了全省82 2名适龄儿童。结果 全省HepB首针及时接种率、全程接种率、全程及时接种率分别为6 4 . 4 %、6 7 .6 %、6 1. 2 % ;不同经济水平地区儿童HepB首针及时接种率、全程及时接种率差异均有非常显著或显著的统计学意义;家中和医院出生儿童HepB首针及时接种率、全程接种率、全程及时接种率差异均有非常显著的统计学意义。HepB全程及时接种儿童家长乙肝相关知识知晓率高于未全程及时接种儿童家长;首针未及时接种的主要原因是不知道要接种占4 7 .86 % ;家长获得HepB接种信息的主要来源于医生占71 .4 %~96 .6 %。结论 提高住院分娩率和儿童家长乙肝相关知识知晓率,尤其是注重医务人员和儿童家长的人际交流均是提高HepB接种率的重要措施。
Objective In order to analyze the immunization status of hepatitis B (HB) vaccine and its affecting factors in newborns in Shaanxi Province, 822 children born in Jan 1, 2001-Dec 31,2001 were investigated in 2003 by stratified multistage random sampling. Results The first dose timely coverage rate,the whole course vaccination rate and whole course timely vaccination rate of HB were 64.4%,67.6%, and 61.2%, respectively. There were significante difference in timely coverage rates among different economical levels.There were significante difference in coverage rates between the children born in home and the children born in hospitals. The understand rate of HB knowledge among child guardians, whose children were completely and timely immunized with HB vaccine,was higher than it among child grardian whose children were not timely immunized. The main reason for missing first dose timely immunization was that guardians did not know about immunization,the percentage was 47.86%. The guardian’s information on HB immunization mainly came from doctors,the percentage was 71.4%-96.6%. Conclusion To improve the hospital delivery rate, to enhance the guardians’ understand rate on HB vaccine, especially to think much of the communication between guardians and doctors are important measures for improving immunization coverage rate of HB vaccine.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization
Hepatitis B vaccine
Coverage rate
Affecting factors