
基于农用地分等定级的耕地占补平衡理论研究 被引量:25

A Theoretic Study of Rating-based Requisition-Compensation Balance of Cultivated Land
摘要 通过分析农用地分等定级体系的特征,对我国耕地占补平衡理论进行了解译。在此基础上,讨论了我国农用地分等定级与耕地占补平衡之间的逻辑关系,从数量型、数量-质量型、数量-质量-生态型、数量-质量-生态-人文型四个层次分析了耕地占补平衡管理逐渐升级的层级关系,指出了我国“耕地总量动态平衡”管理的重心正处在由“数量平衡”向“数量-质量平衡相结合”管理升级的时期;提出耕地占补平衡是基于农用地分等的耕地质量评价,是以农用地分等中的自然质量评价模块和土地利用系数为连接桥梁的质量评价。 Based on an analysis of the characteristics of the rating system of arable land,this paper expounds the theory of requisition-compensation balance of cultivated land in our country. Then the logical relationship is discussed between the rating system and requisition-compensation balance of cultivated land, which experiences the gradual rising levels, namely, from quantity balance type,to quantity-quality balance type,to quantity-quality-ecology balance type and to quantity-quality-ecology-human balance type.The paper points out that the focus of the management of 'the dynamic balance of total cultivated land'in our country is in the upgrading period from quantity balance to quantity-quality balance.The requisition-compensation balance of arable land is an evaluation of quality of cultivated land on the basis of the rating system and of the combination of the evaluating module of the natural quality and land use coefficient in the system.
作者 崔邢涛 许皞
出处 《国土资源科技管理》 2005年第3期21-24,共4页 Scientific and Technological Management of Land and Resources
关键词 农用地 分等定级 耕地 占补平衡 agricultural land rating cultivated land requisition-compensation balance
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