
山药水溶性多糖的化学及体外抗氧化活性 被引量:75

Studyon Chemistry and Antioxidation Activity of Water Soluble Polysaccharides of Rhizoma Dioscoreas Oppositae
摘要 山药经热水提取、去蛋白、乙醇沉淀,SephadexG-100纯化得山药多糖(RP),分子量为8.1×104。气相色谱分析RP主要含葡萄糖及少量岩藻糖。经过碘酸氧化及Smith降解后气相色谱分析结果显示各组分的摩尔比为岩藻糖-丙三醇-赤藓醇是1:1.24:6.42,证明RP主要由带有分枝的1→4连接的吡喃糖苷骨架构成,同时含有少量1→3键型的岩藻糖。该多糖能降低维生素CNADPH及Fe(2+)-半胱氨酸诱发的微粒体过氧化脂质的含量,并对黄嘌呤-黄嘌呤氧化酶体系产生的超氧自由基(O(2-))及Fenton反应体系产生的羟自由基(OH-)有清除作用。 The polysaccharide(RP) was isolated from Rhizoma Dioscoreae Oppositae with hot water and further purfied with Sephedex G-100.The average molecular weight of RP was 81000.This polysaccharide was composed mainl y of glucose and a trace of fucose by Gas Chromatography. After periedate oxidation and Smith degradation, the degraded products of RP were found to be fucose,glycerol, erythritol in molar ratio of 1:1.24:6.47.It suggested that RP mostly consisted of 1→4 linked glucopyranosyl backbone with branching points and a slight of amount of 1→3 linked fucose in materials,and RP could decrease the Malondialdehyde formation in the brain, liver and kidney microsome in rats that induced by NADPH-Vit C system and Cysteine-Fe(2+) system respectively;RP could also eliminate the superoxid e radical produced by Xanthine /Xanthin e Oxidase reaction system and hydroxyl redical produced by Fenton reaction system.
出处 《中国药科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第6期369-372,共4页 Journal of China Pharmaceutical University
关键词 山药 多糖 自由基 抗氧化剂 抗衰老 Rhizoma Dioscoreae Oppositae Polysaccharide Free radical Antioxidation
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