
内蒙古图牧吉冬季大鸨调查初报 被引量:16

The Survery of the Great Bustard in Winter in Tumuji, Inner Mongolia, China
摘要 大鸨(Otistarda)属大型草原鸟类,过去曾广泛分布于黑龙江省西部及内蒙古的东部,目前已经处于濒危状态。图牧吉自然保护区是大鸨的主要栖息地,繁殖数量约2 0 0多只。1 998年开始记录到越冬大鸨个体,2 0 0 3年冬季,本区越冬数量达到1 65只(其中保护区内记录到85只)。本文对图牧吉自然保护区大鸨的越冬数量分布进行了调查,并对大鸨越冬行为及食性进行了初步的观察和分析,对大鸨越冬地管理及越冬鸟类的保护提出了建议。 Great Bustard (Otis tarda) is a large grassland bird. The species is widely distributed in west Heilongjiang Province and east Inner Mongolia and is now endangered. The total number of the speices is about 31000-37000 individuals in the world, 3000-4200 birds are found in China. Two subspecies are recorded in China. There are 2500-3000 birds of O. t. tarda in northwest China, and less than 1000 birds of O. t. dybowskii in northeast China. Tumuji Nation Natural Reserve is the most important breeding ground of east population of Great Bustard, with over 200 birds breeding here. The wintering birds were recorded from 1998. 165 birds were seen in the winter of 2003. The numerical distribution of Great Bustard was surveyed, and behavior and feeding in winter were studied. The suggestion on habitats management and conservation of Great Bustard in winter was provided.
出处 《动物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期46-49,共4页 Chinese Journal of Zoology
关键词 大鸨 越冬分布 行为 保护 图牧吉 Great Bustard(Otis tarda) Wintering numerical distribution Behavior Conservation Tumuji
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