
三种大鼠脂肪肝模型的比较 被引量:12

Compare of three fatty liver models in rat
摘要 目的比较胃造瘘法、酒精灌胃法制作酒精性肝病及高脂营养饮食复制非酒精性肝病的三种动物模型制作方法和优缺点,为酒精性肝病的研究奠定更有效的模型基础。方法分别从胃造瘘管内注入56%白酒,至每次18m1/kg·d,和经胃灌入同样白酒16~18ml/kg·d,早、晚各1次,制作胃造瘘和酒精灌胃大鼠模型;又给刚断乳SD雄性大鼠喂养自制营养高脂饲料,复制肥胖性脂肪肝模型。实验开始后4、8、12、24周,在各实验组中随机取8只大鼠,心包腔穿刺取血,测肝功及血糖、血脂:并取小块肝组织分作光镜和电镜观察。结果酒精灌胃组大鼠总体死亡率较高,达37.9%。胃造瘘组仅16.0%,两组相比差异非常显著,P<0.01。营养性肥胖模型组大鼠体重增长迅速,至12周时已达434.6±30.4g,24周时达502.16±16.4g,分别明显高于对照组的356.9±31.4g和433.1±36.9g,T=4.31,P<0.01。也明显高于另两组大鼠体重332.5±24.8g,412.5±34.4g和345.6±25.6g,430.6±26.9g,P<0.01。各模型组肝指数与相应之对照组比较,8周时始有显著差异,P<0.05;24周时差异更加显著,P<0.01。模型组血清肝功转氨酶较对照组显著升高,P<0.01;24周各模型组白蛋白明显下降,分别为28.04±2.42g/L,29.15±3.21g/L;28.56±193g/L,与对照组相比有显著差异,P均<0.05。肥胖模型组TCH、TG显著? Objective By comparing of three models: long-time gastric cannulation rat model of alcoholic liver disease, intragastric ethanol infusion model and high f at nutritionally adequate diet induced nonalcoholic liver disease, to evaluate a simple a nd economical model. Methods Rats were divided into three experiment groups and their control groups. There were thirty-two rats in every group respectively. Rats in cannulation group we re infused from gastric cannulation with 56% white spirits with dose of 18 ml/kg once each day. Rats in intragastric group were intragastrically infused with the same quantity of spir its, but two times every day. The high fat group rats aged 4-5 weeks just fed with high fat nutri tionally adequate diet. The experiment maintained for 24 weeks.Eight rats in each group respectively w ere randomly sacrificed at the end of 4th,8th,12th and 24th week of experiment.Blood sampl es were collected for measure the liver function,blood total cholesterol,triglyceride and blood glucose.One section of liver was obtained and used as pathologic and another section was for electr on microscopy. Result The mortality of rats in intragastric group was high, it was 37. 9%. While in cannulation group was only 16.0%, the difference was statistically significant, P< 0.01.The weights of rats fed with high fat diet increased very quickly, at the end of 12th week,it reached 434.6±30.4 g, at the time of 24th week,it reached 502.24±16.4 g,bo th were significantly higher than that of control group and other two model groups.The incidence of steatosis could be found in all experiment groups except of control group.The l iver index in each model group was also significantly higher than that of control group from the en d of 8th week. The liver functions of rats in the three model groups were all abnormal, serum a minotransferase was all apparent increased from the 4th week. Serum albumin of models began desc ended significantly comparing with that of the control one at the 24th week. The rats in nonalcoholic liver disease of model group, whose serum total cholesterol and serum triglyceride lev el were much higher than that of control group and other two model groups. But the blood glucose lev el was not increased significantly. At the 4th week, the liver pathologic change of models was mild with alcoholic liver disease and nonalcholic liver disease.At 8th week, alcohol hep atitis and fatty liver could be easily found in pathology, such as hepatocellular steatosis, lobular an d portal inflammatory cell infiltration and necrosis. Along with time passing by, liver f ibrosis was observed and became severe gradually. Conclusion Rat model with l ong-time gastric cannulation is easy to be made and could avoid some shortcomings of intragastri c ethanol infusion.This is a relatively simple, effective and reliable model of alcoholic liver disease.
出处 《胃肠病学和肝病学杂志》 CAS 2005年第3期243-248,共6页 Chinese Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
基金 陕西省科技攻关课题基金(2003k10G71)
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