
运用空间自相关分析集聚经济类型的地理格局 被引量:83

摘要 集聚经济的类型决定着区域经济的发展方向。传统的度量指标是基尼系数、Ellison-Glaeser指数等,但这类指标却没有考虑相邻地区间经济的相互影响。据此,本文提出用空间自相关方法,衡量区域的集聚经济水平,并且利用2002年江苏省县级工业数据,实证分析和探讨江苏省城市化和地方化集聚经济的地理格局。 At the regional and metropolitan level, the economy of agglomeration has the important roles to play in their development of economy. They include localization economy, which are industry-specific and result from the expansion of a particular industry in a certain place, as well as urbanization economy arising from the greater array of services and opportunities available in larger places. If urbanization economy dominates, the industry fortunes will be tied to the larger city sizes. Similarly, if localization economy dominates, the industry fortunes will be tied to their industries of specification. Despite of the word 'agglomeration' with relation to the geographical places, some common statistical indexes to estimate the level of agglomeration economy have no component of spatial proximity to be incorporated into. For this reason, the other analytic technique, namely spatial autocorrelation analysis is introduced by this study to attempt to test the level of urbanization and localization economy. Specifically, the industrial data of Jiangsu in 2002 is used for the empirical analysis of the spatial patterns of urbanization and localization economy. This study shows that at first Jiangsu had the higher level of localization than urbanization at the county level in the industrial sector in 2002. Second, among 67 counties (cities) in Jiangsu, most existed the industrial agglomeration (urbanization and localization economies), but there are much more counties with lower level than the ones with higher level. Finally, the counties with higher-level agglomerated economy were located in Southern Jiangsu, where the counties with lower level in Northern Jiangsu. And the counties with significant high level of urbanization were located in Suzhou municipality, Kunshan city, Changshu city, Wujiang city, Zhangjiagang city and Taicang city which of economic development depend on the increases of population. On the other hand, the ones with significant high level of localization were located in Wuxi municipality and Changzhou municipality. All of the cities are located within Shanghai metropolitan area.
出处 《人文地理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第3期21-25,共5页 Human Geography
基金 本文内容引自"国家自然科学基金研究项目有关研究报告的理论部分"(批准号:40271040)
关键词 地方化经济 城市化经济 空间自相关分 区域发展格局 urbanization economies localization economies spatial autocorrelation spatial patterns of regional development
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