
人类组织相容抗原免疫遗传与妊高征发病关系的探讨 被引量:12

Study on the relationship between histo-com-patibility antigen immunogenetics and pregnancy induced hypertension
摘要 选择40对妊高征夫妇及正常对照组100例,对其人类组织相容性抗原中与D区相关抗原(HLA-DR)频率分布、纯合型频率及夫妇间HLA-DR抗原共享进行了检测。结果显示:与正常对照组相比,妊高征患者HLA-DR_4频率有极显著的增加(P<0.001),妊高征患者夫妇HLA-DR共享有明显提高(P<0.01),其中尤以DR_4抗原共亨率最高(P<0.0001),然而,HLA-DR及DR_4纯、杂合型频率两组间无明显差异。结果表明,妊高征的遗传易感性可能与DR_4有关,其相关性推测可能是由于DR_4与妊高征的疾病易感基因间连锁不平衡所致,但DR_4是否直接充当一种免疫缺陷基因尚不能确定。 ourty cases with pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH) and 100 normal pregnant women were selectedfor this study. The distribution of histo-compatibilityantigen D region (HLA-DR) frequency, the frequencyof homozygosity and the HLA-DR antigens sharing be-tween partners were investigated. The results showedthat the frequency of HLA-DR_4 was significantlyhigher in PIH than that in normal pregnancy (P<0. 001 ) . There was a very high DR antigen sharing be-tween partners in PIH as compared to normal pregnan-cy (P <0. 01), specially obvious in the frequency ofDR_4 antigen sharing in PIH (P<0. 0001 ). There was ,however, no significant difference in the frequency ofhomozygosity or heterozygosity between HLA-DR andDR_4 locus. This study suggested that HLA-DR_4 maybe related to the genetic susceptibilityof PIH. Thiscorrelation is presumably due to a linkage imbalance ofsusceptible gene of PIH and DR_4, but whether DR_4acts directly as an immunodeficient gene remains to bedetermined.
出处 《中华妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第11期654-656,共3页 Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
关键词 组织相容性抗原 妊娠高血压 综合征 免疫遗传学 Histo-compatibility antigensPregnancy induced hypertension Immunogenetics
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  • 1张振钧,实用妇产科杂志,1991年,7卷,3页
  • 2林飞卿,医学基础免疫学,1990年
  • 3赵桐茂,人类血型遗传学,1987年




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