通过住宅市场空间分异研究体系的建立 ,认为城市居住空间分异是社会阶 (层 )级分化结果通过市场宏观控制、个体择居行为心理的局部调整而实现的空间化过程。因此 ,居住空间分异机制可以从对住房市场空间分化及个体择居行为机制两个方面来理解。从五个方面具体分析影响城市住宅市场分化的机构、各种机构对城市居住空间、社会空间分异的影响力 :(1)政府作为土地所有者及其作用形态 ;(2 )城市建筑商、地产开发商的发展方式 ;(3)金融信贷业对社会空间和物质空间的空间非均衡的影响 ;(4 )地产物业机构对邻里的操纵和强化 ;(5 )城市规划思想与方法的影响。并认为影响我国城市社会地理空间分异的宏观背景是 :(1)国内自 1978年以来的政治经济体制改革 ,它确定我们的主要研究框架 ;(2 )自 80年代末期开始强化的经济全球化与区域集团造就的新国际劳动分工 ;(3)信息技术革命为核心的知识经济及其影响下的经济结构变化。
In this paper, through construction of the study system of urban residential differentiation, the authors analyze the spatial process of residential differentiation and believe that urban residential differentiation can be regarded as the interweaving impact of those two process: (1) spatialization of social or class differentiation; (2) adjustment by individual residential behavior. Then author research five kinds of social institutions which impact social-spatial differentiation: (1) government and its effect as land owner; (2) the development process of builders and real estates; (3) the impact of financial institute on social-spatial unbalance; (4) the impact of real estates on neighborhood and (5) the methodology of urban planning and its ideology. Then, the authors point out that the background of the transmition of urban social geography of China is: (1) the transformation of political economy since 1978; (2) the labor divided in international region and the development of global economy and (3) the transmition of economic structure under the lead of knowledge economy.As a review, the authors thought that in west, the theoretical research concentrate in capital movement fields, and their field study focuses on the relation among: (1) those factors of urban and land development; (2) some special institutions, such as real estate, land administrate; (3) and evaluate the effect of those factors' interference. In our opinions, the key of understanding the process and result of residential differentiation in urban landscape research is depending on built environment, product and reproducing process. Moreover, in order to show the mechanism of urban spatial structure, we should pay attention to the development of social organization, evaluating the effect of social interference.
Human Geography
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (4 0 0 6 10 0 2
40 0 0 10 0 7
5 98382 80 )
urban residential differentiation
institute social-spatial space