
胃肠道间质瘤的病理诊断及免疫组化研究 被引量:1

Pathological Diagnosis and Immunohistochemical Studies on Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors
摘要 目的 探讨胃GIST病理学特点及诊断标准。方法 在光镜观察的基础上 ,应用免疫组织化学方法 ,检测Vi mentin、CD3 4 、action、S - 10 0、NSE。结果 大多数病例Vimentin、CD3 4 标记阳性 ,少部分病例可表现灶性或个别细胞action、S -10 0、NSE阳性 ,本组研究按Lewin提出的标准判断GIST的良恶性 ,结果为良性 2 7例 ,潜在恶性 14例 ,恶性 19例。结论 GIST是胃肠道最常见的非上皮性肿瘤 ,缺乏定向分化。经初步观察 ,Lewin的诊断标准是可行的。根据其免疫组化特征可与平滑肌瘤、神经鞘瘤。 Objective To explore the pathologicalcharacteristics and diagnostic criteria of gastrointestinal stromal tumors(GIST).Methods In addition to light microscopic observations,immunohistochemical assays of Vimentin,CD 34 ,action,S-100 and NSE were used. Results Vimentin and CD 34 were of positive reaction in most specimens. A few of GIST were action,S-100 and NSE positive, usually in single cell or facal areas. In this study, the Lewin's criteria for the diagnosis of benign and malignant GIST were applied. In the 60 cases, there were 27 cases benign, 14 potential malignant and 19 malignant GIST. Conclusion GIST which have no evidence of specific differentiation constitutes the largest category of nonethelial neoplasms of gastrointestinal tract.They can be differentiated from leiomyomas, schwannomas and neurofibromas depending on their immunohistochemical features.
作者 唐先进
出处 《菏泽医学专科学校学报》 2002年第3期15-16,共2页 Journal of Heze Medical College
关键词 肿瘤 病理学 胃肠道肿瘤/诊断 gastrointestinal stromal tumor immunohistochemistry dignosis
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