

TCD on Analysis of 127 Clinic Psychosis
摘要 目的 分析精神病人的脑血流动力学改变的异常率。方法 通过TCD检测 12 7例门诊精神病人的脑血流改变。结果 发现 12 7例患者脑血流异常率为 77.1% ,并发现 4 0岁以上的病人以血流速度减慢为主 ,而 4 0岁以下的病人以血流速度增快或双侧血流不对称为主。结论 TCD检测结果提示精神病人的功能性疾病在很大程度上与脑血流改变有关。 Objective To analyse the abnormal ratio of cerebral superiormesenteric artery changes.Methods To examine the cerebral blood flow changes of 127 outpatients by TCD. Results The abnormal ratio of 127 patients was77.1%.Blood flow speed of patients who were above forty years old was low. The other was fast or not symmetry in two sides. Conclusion TCD showed functional diseases of psychosis are related to cerebral blood flow speed in a great degrees.
作者 孙冠峰
出处 《菏泽医学专科学校学报》 2001年第2期36-37,共2页 Journal of Heze Medical College
关键词 精神病 经颅多谱勒 脑血流动力学 psychosis Transcranial Dopplar( TCD) cerebral superiormesenteric artery
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