利用2 0 0 2年我国长江以南沿海的浙江、福建、广东、广西、海南和江苏省区的渔业发展统计资料,结合我国水产业的特性和发展状况,建立渔业技术经济综合评价指标,选取生产总量、生产率等14个指标,利用灰色星座聚类法初步划分这6个省区的渔业经济区域类型。结果表明,我国长江以南沿海6省区的渔业经济发展水平不一致,大致可以划分为4个发展档次,渔业发展属于发达的为广东省,较为发达的有福建省和浙江省,中等发达的是江苏省,不发达的是广西壮族自治区和海南省。
An evaluation system including 14 indices such as production,productivity etc.was established using 2002 fishery development data of six coastal provinces,Zhejiang,Fujian,Guangdong,Guangxi,Hainan and Jiangshu.Grey cluster theory was used in the regional division of fishery economy of these provinces.The result shows that these six provinces can be divided into four kinds of types.Guangdong is a developed area,following by Fujian and Zhejian,and then Jiangshu. The undeveloped areas are Guangxi and Hainan.
Journal of Guangxi Academy of Sciences