本文是笔者在访问英国伦敦期间收集、阅读西方学者有关文明起源方面论著的心得体会,包括介绍RobertJ.Wenke、JohnH.Bodley、GinaL.Barnes、StephanSeidlmayer和SarahAl lan等学者的论著,并结合我国学者的研究认为,西方关于中国和埃及文明起源研究以及我国青铜器研究的一些观点对于国内相关问题的研究有重要的借鉴和推动作用,也在很大程度上开阔了相关研究领域的视野。
This paper is the author's academic knowledge about the west scholars'works. During the visiting to London in 2002-2003,the author collected and read some west scholars'works written by Robert J. Wenke, John H. Bodley, Gina L. Barnes, Stephan Seidlmayer and Sarah Allan, which concerning to the origins and early developments of Egypt and China civilization. The Author thinks that their academic views on the origins of Egypt and China civilization and research of Chinese bronzes should be beneficial to the domestic field.
Cultural Relics of Central China