Abstract Epidemiological investigation showed that N
methylbenzylnitrosamine(NMBzA)has been associ-ated with increased incidence of esophageal
cancer(EC)in Linxian count,a high incidence area.In present study, our results indicate that
NMBzA acn induce amplification and and over-expression ofEGFr gene in human fetal
esophageal epithelium (HFE) treated with NMBzA for 24 hours as shown by southern blot assay
and immunohistochemistry. The papillary hyperplasia was induced in HFEs that cultured with
NMBzA for l to 3 weeks, Amplification of c myc and int 2 gene inHFEs treated by NMBzA for 1
week 3 weeks was found, respectively ,Deletions of P53 and Rb gene were found in human fetal
esophagcal careinomas induced by NMBzA. Overexprssion of p53 protein in humanfetal
esophageal carcinomas detectedk by immunohistochemical methods indi-cates that p53 gene
mutation(s)may be occured , The HFE explants treated in vitro with NMBzAfor 3 weeks were
inoculated subcutanously into balb/c nude mice . No tumor was found in 5 monthsafter
inoculation,suggesting that only changes of oncogene(s)are insufficient to induce
fulltransformation. Other genetic alterations (such as functional inactivation of Rb or/and p53
tumorsuppressor genes) may be necessary in the further progression of malignant lesions
Chinese Journal of Oncology