
强海杂波背景下的舰船目标检测 被引量:11

Ship Target Detection in Strong Sea Clutter Background
摘要 根据宽波束高频地波雷达用于探测海上舰船目标的要求,分析了目标的检测背景并对其中海杂波和噪声的统计特性进行了蒙特卡洛仿真,发现宽波束条件下海杂波和噪声具有类似威布尔分布的特性.利用硬目标在距离-多普勒二维平面上产生单尖峰的特点,提出了利用几种常见的恒虚警率检测并结合峰值检测,对实测数据进行二维独立双门限检测的方法.实验结果表明,几种常见的检测方法在给定虚警率为10-4的条件下检测概率均能达到80%以上,检测效果比基于相位的检测法有了很大的提高,能够较好地满足硬目标检测的要求. Ship target detection in strong sea clutter background is generally difficult. This paper firstly discusses the mechanism of sea clutter. Then some useful statistical properties of sea clutter and noise, which are important in optimizing the design of CFAR detectors, are established. Based on the characteristic of the ship target echo forming a single sharp peak in the two-dimension Range-Doppler plane, several familiar 2-D CFAR schemes combined with Peak Detection are presented. The Monte-Carlo simulation indicated that these algorithms has the good capability of adaptive detection when a probability of false alarm of 10^(-4) is given.
出处 《武汉大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期370-374,共5页 Journal of Wuhan University:Natural Science Edition
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2001AA631050)
关键词 高频地波雷达 目标检测 恒虚警率 海杂波 HF ground wave radar target detection CFAR(constant false alarm rate) sea clutter
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