
新型导电高分子抗静电剂进展 被引量:9

Novel Inherently Conducting Polymer Acting as Antistatics
摘要 本征型导电高分子抗静电剂是目前发现的使用效果最好的抗静电剂之一.本文简要综述了本征型导电高分子抗静电剂的工作原理、特点、国内外发展现状及发展趋势,其中重点介绍了聚(3,4 二氧乙基噻吩)/聚对苯乙烯磺酸,以及它在感光材料中作为抗静电剂显示的重要作用. Among the antistatic coatings, inherently conducting polymer films were found to be one of the most useful. In this paper, the application of inherently conducting polymers in antistatic coating, such as polythiophenes and polyaniline, have been briefly reviewed, including their conducting mechanism, their characteristics and their development. The special notice was focused on poly (3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/polystyrene sulfonic acid, which succeeded in photographic materials as antistatic coating in the past decade.
出处 《感光科学与光化学》 EI CSCD 2005年第3期232-238,共7页 Photographic Science and Photochemistry
关键词 导电高分子 抗静电剂 聚噻吩 conducting polymers, antistatic coating, polythiophenes, polyaniline
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