Water is a crucial factor affecting the restoration and regeneration of ecological environment in the loess areas, and soil moisture content is an indispensable factor to the growth of plants. Precipitation in the Loess Plateau of China is relatively less comparing with east China and south China, and its temporal and spatial distribution is uneven. Loess is thick in the Loess Plateau, the redistribution of soil moisture is significant, that is the moisture conditions are good in the valleys but the soil on the loess bridges is arid, so it is difficult to regenerate the ecological environment in the loess areas. Currently, the studies on soil moisture content in woodlands have been shifted from qualitative description to quantitative analysis, and the research targets include landscapes, ecosystems, plant communities and species, etc. Soil moisture content is generally a restrictive factor to the growth of plants because of its limited supply in the loess areas. Therefore, it is of significance to study soil moisture content. In this paper, the previous studies on soil moisture content are summarized from the study methods and study contents based on analyzing the actuality of study on soil moisture content in restoration and regeneration of vegetation. Moreover, some problems in the relevant researches are also discusses, and their solutions are put forward.
Arid Zone Research