Distal splenocaval shunting was performed in 42 patients for the treatment of variceal bleeding.The procedure was constructed by directly anastomosing the distal splenic vein to the infrarenal vena cava in a end to side manner togather with esophagogastric devascularization and splenopancreatic disconnection.Fourty of the operation were done electively and 2, emergently.The overall operative mortality rate was 9.5%, with 3.0% in the late 27 cases.Survival was 86.3% at 1 year.82.4% at 3 years, and 74.8% at 5 years.Recurrent bleeding occurred in only one patient (2.4%).Hepatic encephalopathy did not develope in any patient up to date.Immediate shunt patency was docummented in 41 of 42 patients, all 11 shunt studied at 2 months were patent.The pressure of the splenic vein reduced markedly after shunting with simutaneous maintenance, of portal hypertension and hepatopedal portal perfusion when studied at 2 months after shunting.Ekperience with these patients demonstrated that, when feasible, the distal splenocaval shunt is the preferred procedure under elective conditions in good—risk patients with hepatopedal portal flow.