This paper makes a brief review of the development of logging and
borehole geophysical prospecting work conducted by various units affiliated to
Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources in the past 40 years, especially in
the last 10 years. In methnds and techniques, the collection system has deve-
loped from semiautomatic and automatic analog recording to digital recording,
the methods and borehole instruments have increased from several sorts to
tens of sorts with the gradual realization of seriation and combination, and
the graduation technique has growll out of nothing, indicating that our work
has entered the stage of digitization. In method application and software
development, the logging has successfully extended its application flom coalfi-
eld to more than twenty types of ore deposits, the borehole geophysical
prospecting has expanded its utilization from metallic deposits to the fields of
hydrological engineering and environmental geology and thus yielded good
geological effects and economic benefits, and the software development has
grown from its first-step work to the in-situ operation and management, data
collection, interpretation and mapping as well as indoor further proccessing,
interpretation and mapping and imaging in combination with the CT techni-
que. All these achievements demonstrate that our work has possessed some
characteristics of modern borehole geophysical techniques. finally, the paper
predicts the prospects of the work.
Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration