
体育非专利技术的法律保护 被引量:6

Legal protection of sports non-patent technology
摘要 体育运动中大量运用的是进入公有领域不能申请专利的技术。其主要客体有关键技术动作、成套技术动作、运动竞赛战术、运动员选材、训练管理、运动创伤的防止和疲劳恢复、运动测试统计、运动营养、运动治疗、体育项目发明、竞赛裁判规则、运动会编排、反不正当竞争等。体育非专利技术是体育工作者公开的智力劳动成果,具备智力劳动成果的新颖性、先进性、实用性等法律特征,属于体育工作者的无形资产。体育非专利技术在首次使用前的创新阶段,应按秘密技术保护,在公开使用后效果明显,有良好的社会效益,应享有一定的精神权利。 The technologies used largely in sports can not apply for the patent in the public domain. The main objects are technical movement,set technical movement,competition strategy,athlete selection,training management,prevention of injury during exercise,recovery from fatigue,sports testing statistics,sports nutrition,sports therapy,sports event invention,competition rules,game combination and fight against unfair competition. Sports non-patent technology is published by the physical culture workers through their intelligence and hard work,which are novel,progressive,and useful,and belongs to the physical culture workers as intangible assets. During the innovation period before the first use of sports non-patent technology,it should be protected as confidential technology. After the public use of the technology,if it has obvious effects and good social benefits,it deserves certain spiritual rights.
出处 《武汉体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第5期6-10,共5页 Journal of Wuhan Sports University
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"我国体育无形资产专门法律保护的研究"部分研究成果(01BTY014)。
关键词 体育法 非专利技术 法律保护 保护途径 主体 客体 sports law non-patent technology legal protection protection approach subject object
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  • 2第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会.中华人民共和国体育法[M].北京:法律出版社,1995.2-3.
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