利用57个RAPD引物对22份小麦抗赤霉病地方品种进行分析发现,48个引物(84 21%)共扩增出222条带,平均4 6条。其中,45个引物(93 75%)扩增出178条(80 18%)多态性带,每个引物可扩增出1~11条多态性带,且发现一些随机引物对有些材料能进行特异性扩增。22份材料间的RAPD标记遗传距离(GD)变幅为0 152~0 471,平均为0 314。聚类分析表明,RAPD标记能将所有材料区分开。在GD值0 33水平上,供试材料可划分为4类。地理来源相近的材料大多聚在一起。
The genetic variation among 22 wheat landraces with resistant to head scab were estimated by RAPD markers.Fifty-seven arbitrary primers (10-mers) were used for the amplification of the genomic DNA, among which 48 primers (84.21 %) could produce 222 bands. Forty-five out of 48 primers (93.75 %) were polymorphic, resulting in 178 (80.18 %) polymorphic bands. One to 11 polymorphic bands could be amplified from each primer, with an average of 4.6 bands. Some special RAPD bands were only detected in certain wheat landraces. The mean GD based on RAPD makers among the 22 landraces were 0.314, ranging from 0.152 to 0.471. Based on the GD matrix, a dendrogram was constructed using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA). All the 22 scab-resistant wheat landraces could be distinguished by RAPD markers. Using the GD value of 0.33 as threshold, the 22 landraces could be clustered into 4 groups. It indicated that the genetic variation of the scab-resistant wheat landraces based on RAPD markers were correlated with the geographical distribution.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项基金(NO 200357)