
嗜酒者肝脏病变的形态学研究 被引量:21

Morphological study on 40 cases of alcoholic liver disease
摘要 研究了临床确定的40例嗜酒者肝穿标本的形态变化,普通嗜酒者与重度嗜酒者各20例。基本病变为:(1)肝细胞变性,包括大泡状肝细胞脂变,灶状肝细胞变小,灶状气球样变等;(2)肝细胞坏死灶形成伴中性粒细胞浸润,肝细胞内巨大线粒体或麦氏小体;(3)窦周纤维化、肝纤维化及细结节性肝硬变等。据此,我们将酒精性肝病分为五个病理类型。研究结果证明,肝脏的病变程度和饮酒量密切相关,饮酒时间超过10年后,肝坏死灶及肝纤维化程度与饮酒量呈正相关关系。40例患者的肝脏病变程度明显轻于欧美和日本病例,这可能与我国的饮酒、饮食习惯有关。 orphological changes in liver biopsies from 40 alcoholic patients were studied,20 of which being ordinary alcoholics(40-80g ethanol/day)and the other 20 being heavy drinkers(above 80g ethanol/day for over 20 years) All being male who have neither type B nor type C hepatitis.The basic mornhological changes observed being:1.Liver cell degeneration including fatty degeneration & focal ballooning,decrease in liver cell size,occasional giant mitochondrion and Mallory' s body formation. 2. Focal necrosis with neutrophil infiltration. 3. Pericellular fibrosis of liver cells,hepatic fibrosis and early cirrhosis.Alcoholic liver disease can be divided into 5 types:Ⅰ.alcoholic fatty liver(AFL),Ⅲ.alcoholic hepatitis(AH),Ⅲ.alcoholic hepatic fibrosis(AHF),Ⅳ. alcoholic liver cirrhosis (ALC),Ⅴ. slight alcohol-ic liver disease (SALD).The degree of liver damage(liver cell necrosis and hepatic fibrosis) is closely re-lated to the amount of daily ethanol intake. The progression of liver damage observed in our study is much milder than reports from Europe,the U. S.and Japan.
出处 《中华病理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第1期14-16,T003,共4页 Chinese Journal of Pathology
关键词 肝疾病 酒精性 肝硬变 形态学 Liver diseases,alcoholic Liver cirrhosis
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