AbstractEarly stage lesions of knee-DOA are pressented atpattelofemoral joint,the middle stage is developed as de-generative genu varum,and in the late stage,the articu-lar space of the whole knee disappears with flexional de-formity.The author used intraosseous venography and mea-surement of intraosseuca pressure to study the venousdrainage of the patella. The author also established a pre-liminary animal model of patellofemoral OA by blockingvenous drainage of the patella and lower extremity of therabbits,The studies proved that venous stasis and in-traosseuos hypertension are the eitiology and symptoms(pain) of knee-DOA.The author suggests the patella drilling out side theknee capsule may be applied for the early and middlestages of knee-DOA,Some cases require drilling ofcondylum medialis tibiae or a modification of Coventry-Maquet’s operation to correct genu varum. The averagepost-operative follow-up of this series of 75 patients is29 months,Results:excellent(81%),good(13.7%%)andpoor or failure(5.3%).For the latestage cases, oper-ation such as patelleotomy, arthrodesis of the knee or kneereplacement arthroplasty are indicated
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics