
企业商业模式创新:基于租金理论的解释 被引量:239

Business Model Innovation: Based on the Explanation for Rents
摘要 商业模式的定义在理论界有多种不同的理解,然而,商业模式创新的驱动力尚缺乏完整研究。本文作者归纳了商业模式的不同定义,提出了一种新的概念解释;同时,作者用经济租金理论来分析企业商业模式的创新行为,通过深入研究,作者对企业经济租金的几种形态做出了分类,分析了企业在不同条件下获得经济租金的形式,从理论上解释了企业商业模式创新行为的内外在驱动力。 There are several explanations about organizational business model and lack research results for innovation mechanism of business mode in research work. The authors summed up varied concept of business model and induced a new explanation. The article used the Rent Theory to analyze and explain innovation behavior of business model. And then the paper inferred sort of rent that enterprises can attain under different conditions, thereby expounded innovation mechanism of organizational business model.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第7期73-81,共9页 China Industrial Economics
关键词 商业模式创新 企业经济租金 business model innovation rent of enterprise
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