
粉煤灰脱除烟道气SO_2实验 被引量:8

Desulphurization Performance of Fly Ash in Flue Gas
摘要 以粉煤灰作为脱硫剂,采用固定床反应器,以模拟烟道气对粉煤灰的脱硫性能进行了研究.结果表明,在粉煤灰加入量为120g、含水率20%左右,对烟气流量为4L/min、SO2浓度为0.2%(体积浓度)的模拟烟道气脱硫效率可达最佳水平,脱硫率维持98%的时间可达到6min.粉煤灰对低浓度的二氧化硫脱硫效果较好,即比较适合用于锅炉烟道气脱硫. The present research summarizes the status of fly ash,especially in flue gas de-sulfurization. Fly ash used as desulphurizer and its performance of desulphurization are studied by simulant flue gas within a fixed bed reactor.The results show that fly ash has a higher removal of sulfur dioxide from the simulant flue gas. The experiments indicate that about 98% of SO_ 2 separation can be achieved by the fly ash (120 g,water ratio 20%).When the flue gas flux is 4 L/min;the fly ash can maintain 6 minutes with a high sulfur capacity (98%).It is shown that fly ash with a better sulfur capacity and a low concentration of sulfur dioxide offers a proper application to boilers' desulphurization.
出处 《桂林工学院学报》 北大核心 2005年第2期234-236,共3页 Journal of Guilin University of Technology
基金 广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科攻0330011-2) 广西科学研究与技术开发计划项目(桂科计2004-48-22)
关键词 粉煤灰 烟道气 脱硫 应用 fly ash flue gas desulphurization application
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