利用气象卫星资料监测土壤水分及估算干旱面积的研究方法已有很多,但监测精度还有待提高.通过利用近地面温度日较差实测资料,对气象卫星反演地表温度日较差进行了订正,使得热惯量计算值更接近实际.利用订正后的卫星反演地表温度日较差计算的热惯量与地面农田实测土壤绝对湿度进行回归分析,发现0~30 cm土壤水分实测值与热惯量的相关显著,50 cm以下不能通过显著性检验.在GIS平台的支持下,对2004年初夏发生的干旱进行了监测,监测结果精度较高,并为干旱灾害的进一步评估打下坚实的基础.
Based on the meteorological satellite data, there are many research ways in which soil moisture is monitored and arid area is estimated, but their accuracy should be improved. In this paper, based on the temperature range in a day measured near the earth's surface, the inversion of temperature range in a day from meteorological satellite were rectified, as a result, thermal inertia could be calculated more closely to the fact. Regression analysis of the thermal inertia and soil absolute moisture measured in farmland showed that the moisture in 0-30 cm soil had significant correlation with the thermal inertia, but moisture in deeper soil hadn't. Supported by GIS platform, the drought in earlysummer of 2004 was monitored more accurately, by which further drought estimation could be carried on.
Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering