
胰腺转移性肿瘤的超声诊断 被引量:2

Ultrasonographic Findings for Pancreatic Secondaries
摘要 复习18例经病理学、细胞学或诊断性治疗证实的胰腺转移瘤病人的超声诊断。在声像图上,肿瘤通常表现为低回声,后方回声无变化或增强,边界较清楚但不规则,胰头病灶可导致胆总管和胰管的扩张;邻近血管受压、显示不清或消失,或肿物与血管的分界不清。胰腺转移瘤虽然较为少见,但早期发现较难。在与原发性胰腺癌进行鉴别时,应结合病人原发肿瘤的存在,肿块边界清楚,行超声引导针吸活检,从而作出正确的诊断。 We reviewed 18 patients with pancreatic metastases(PMs) which were examined suprasonically and then verified by pathology(n=7), cytology(n=10), or diagnostic chemotherapy(n=1). On the sonogram PMs usually presented ashypoechoic fool(20/20 ), well-defined(14/20) or irregular (19/20) margin, binary dict (2/5 foci in pancreatic head) and pancreatic duct (3/5 in the head and 1/11 in the body) obstrution, and abnormal changes of the vein near the tumor (11/16 evaluated fool), without posterior sound transmission or shadowing (14/20). Although PMs isan infrequent occurrence, it is more difficult to be detected an at earlier stage or to be differentiated from primary malignancies of the pancreas. However,the pre-existing primary lesion, the definitive margin of tumors on sonograms, and the ultrasound-guided biopsy are helpful in making the diagnosis.
出处 《中国肿瘤临床》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第8期540-543,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology
关键词 胰腺肿瘤 胰腺转移性肿瘤 超声诊断 Pancreatic neoplasms Pancreatic metastases Ultrasonography
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