在线磨辊(ORG)作为一种有效的轧辊轮廓和辊面质量的控制手段,可改善板带质量,提高同宽轧制km数和延长换辊周期,实现自由轧制。一钢公司1 780热轧具有集中批量轧制、铁素体不锈钢与碳钢混合轧制等特点,因此ORG技术的应用显得极为重要。介绍该技术在一钢的应用情况,并提出了符合一钢生产特点的控制策略。
As an effective control equipment to the roll profile and its surface roughness,the online roll grinder(ORG)could improve the strip quality,increase the rolling km of the strip with same width,prolong the period of roll change,and achieve the wide of“Free Rolling”.The hot rolling process was characteristic of pooled-batch rolling and mixed rolling of carbon steel & SUS grades,it was very important that the ORG technique was applied to the hot strip rolling.The application of ORG equipment made by Mitsubishi-Hitachi Metals Machinery Inc.and its controlling strategy were introduced.
Shanghai Metals