AbstractFrom January 1978 to January 1986,212 cases ofcongenital dislocation of the hip were treated withpelvic osteotomy;among them 59cases undergone ro-tational osteotomy for the correction of the anteversionangle and followup study in 41 cases revealed limita-tion of hip motion in 13 cases,external rotational gaitin 4 cases,posterior upper dislocation in one cases, The anteversion angle of the 41 cases were 45°~60°in25 cases,61° ~ 70° in 14 cases an 71°~ 80° in 2 cases. in another group of 204 cases treated from February1986 to December 1990, 52 cases had anteversion an-gle of more than 45°,They were treated with pelvicosteotomy without rotational osteotomy of the femur39 cases had followup for an average of 2 years an 6months,and the results revealed no disturbance of thegait and recovery of the anteversion angle to differentdegrees. The authors emphasized tight suture of thejoint capsule during peivic osteotomy and belleved thatrotational osteotomy is unnecessary for the correctionof the anteversion of the femoral head in congenitaldislocation of the hip.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics