AbstractThe authors had carried out a biomechanical analy-sis on the long term effects to the knee joints followingsupracondylar retroversion osteotomy of the femur(SROF)in 358(376 knees )cases.There were l69males and l89 females with the age ranged between l4~27 and an average of l8.3 years. The deformity in-volved unilateral knee in 284 cases and bilateral in 74cases,In 289 knees, there were quadticeps parlysis be-fore the operation and the muscle power of hamstringsof abeve Ⅲ degree. The follow-up period extended for11 ~ 15 years after surgery. The tesults of long termpostoperative analysls cases revealed that,SROF causeddisorder of loading transmission to the knee joint. Ac-cordingly,the authors made the following suggestions.(1) Before SROF, the angle of flexion of the kneeshould be decreased to approximately l0°;(2 ) only ex-tension osteotomy of the femur should be done for thosecases with increased anterior curvature of the lower endof the femur , and the hamstrings muscle power of overⅣ degree; a secondary muscle replacement operat ion isadvisable for these cases ;(3)For patients with nail kneejoints, SROF should be performed simultaneously withknee reconstruction.
Chinese Journal of Orthopaedics