
枢复宁预防全麻腹部手术后恶心和呕吐的临床研究 被引量:2

Ondansetron used in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting: a randomized double-blind Placebo-controlled clinical study.
摘要 全麻患者术后常易发生恶心、呕吐,枢复宁有抗呕吐作用。随机选择100例腹部外科手术患者,分为枢复宁组(4mg,n=50)和安慰剂组(生理盐水,n=50),诱导前静注枢复宁或安慰剂,注速1分钟,双盲法观察术后24小时抗恶心、呕吐效果及副作用。结果表明,用药组恶心、呕吐发生率(18%,0)明显低于安慰剂组(50%,40%)(P<0.01),两组患者的平均动脉压、经皮血氧饱和度,呼吸频率和心率,血液成分,肝、肾功能无明显改变。因此,枢复宁适用于腹部外科患者术后恶心、呕吐的防治。 To evaluate the prophylactic effect of ondansetron on postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV), one hundred patients, scheduled for selective abdominal surgery,were randomly and double-blindly allocated to receiving an intravenous bolus of either 4mg of ondansetron in 20ml solution (group) ondansetron, n = 50 ) or 0. 9 % NS 20ml (group placebo, n= 50 )respectively, within one minute immediately before induction of anesthesia. Antiemetic efficacy and side-effect were observed in 24 hours postoperatively. The incidences of nausea and vomiting in ondansetron group(18 %, 0)were significantly lower than those in placebo group (50%, 30% ) (P<0.01). Administration of ondansetron had no obvious effects on mean arterial pressure,SPO2 and respiratory frequency. The laboratory findings at 24 hours postoperatively showed no signs of hematologic, hepatic and renal variations. Therefore,ondansetron can be used effectively and safely to prevent PONV in abdominal surgical patients.
出处 《中华麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第10期459-461,共3页 Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology
关键词 枢复宁 恶心 呕吐 预防 全身麻醉 ondansetron,Postoperative nausea and vomiting,Prevention
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