
无缝线切口人工晶体植入术 被引量:18

Sutureless incision for intraocular lens implantation
摘要 报告弦长5.5mm无缝线切口植入直径6.0mmPMMA人工晶体50只眼的切口建造方法、自身关闭程度及术后手术性角膜散光的结果。患者年龄范围为8~72岁。对其中13只眼行一期植入,37只眼为二期植入术。该组患者中19只眼无晶体眼既往有穿通伤和1~3次手术史,15只眼无晶体眼为老年性白内障摘除术后,14只眼为先天性白内障,其他2只眼。手术切口包括巩膜外切口,弦长5.5mm;巩膜隧道分离;瓣状角膜内切口,角膜缘内1.0mm,保持水平,宽6.0mm。全部植入顺利,切口关闭严密,无渗漏或浅前房。平均手术性角膜散光为-0.16(0.71)0,范围为+1.00~-1.50D。并发症少于常规手术。结果表明,此切口安全、可靠,自身关闭紧,角膜散光小,是一种更好的常规人工晶体植入的切口。 The technique of incisional construction,the degree of automatic closure and the results of postoperative induced corneal astigmatism were reported in a series of 50 eyes with 5. 5mm sutureless incision for 6.0mm PMMA intraocular lens(IOL) irnplantation,The patients ages ranged from 8 to 72 years,In this study,I-stage implantation was performed on 13 eyes and II- stage implantation,on 37eyes,In this group,19 aphakic eyes had had the histories of penetrating injuries and 1 to 3 times ofoperations,15 aphakic eyes had had histories of senile cataract extractions,14 eyes were congenital cataracts and another 2 eyes were other kinds.The surgical maneuvers included an external scleral frown incision 5mm in chord length,a scleral-tunnel dissection and a corneal internal valve incision into the corneal limbus for 1 mm and keeping horizontally 6.0mm in width.All the implantations were smcoth,incisions closed watertightly without leakage or shallow anterior chamber. The mean value of induced corneal astigmatism was-16(0. 71)D with a range of + 1. 00 to-1.50D,The complica-tions were less than that of sutured Operations.The results suggest that sutureless incision be safe, reli-able,self-closed tightly,less induced astigmatism and could be a better kind of incision for standard IOL implantation.
机构地区 北京医院眼科
出处 《中华眼科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第5期333-336,共4页 Chinese Journal of Ophthalmology
关键词 接触镜 眼内 无缝线 切口 散光 人工晶体植入术 Lenses,intraocular Incision Astigmatism
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  • 1高岩,实用眼科杂志,1993年,11卷,323页
  • 2刘奕志,中华眼科杂志,1993年,29卷,323页
  • 3高岩,国外医学眼科学分册,1991年,15卷,353页
  • 4高岩,中华眼科杂志,1990年,26卷,141页




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