
中国人群高血压患病率及其变化趋势 被引量:508

Prevalence and Development Trends of Hypertension in China
摘要 1991年 8~ 10月在我国 2 2省、5个自治区和 3个直辖市中共选调查点 2 74个 ,对年 15岁及以上的自然人群 95 0 35 6人(男 4 4 935 0 ,女 5 0 10 0 6人 )。用同一调查方案经统一培训后 ,按国际通用血压测量方法和有关质量控制规定 ,进行血压测量及影响血压水平有关因素的调查 ,并对人群中有关高血压防治方面的常识进行询问 ,本文报告此次调查人群高血压患病率并比较其变化趋势。1991年临界及以上高血压患病率 (SBP≥ 14 0和/或≥ 90 mm Hg和 /或 2周内服药 )调查患病粗率为 13.5 8%(男 14 .38% ,女 12 .85 % ) ,若按 1990年普查人口年标化患病率为 11.2 6 % ,(男 12 .15 % ,女 10 .32 % ) ,确诊高血压 (SBP≥ 16 0和 /或 DBP≥ 95 mm Hg或 2周内服药 )标化患病率为 5 .2 0 %(男 5 .38% ,女 5 .2 1% )。用相同诊断标准与 1979~ 1980年全国第二次高血压抽样调查资料对比 10年来我国标化患病率升高2 5 % ,其中主要是临界高血压患病率的升高。调查结果除表明患病率随年龄增长而升高外 ,35岁后增长明显 ,性别差异较规律地表现出 4 4岁以前男性高于女性 ,4 5~ 5 9岁相似 ,但 6 0岁以后各年龄组的女性患病率高于男性 ,患病率仍显示地区间北高南低 ,且自东北向西南递减 ,城乡间对比是城市高于农村 ,另本文对不? The third national survey of blood pressure level and high blood pressure (HBP) was carried out from August to October in 1991. 950356 residents (male 449350, female 501006) aged ≥15 years were surveyed. Sampling populations were composed of half urban and half rural from a total of 274 sampling centers in 27 provinces or autonomous regions and 3 municipalities, sampled by stratified chunk method. This survey was conducted under the guidance of the subcommitte for quality control with a uniform protocol,standarized methodology and staff training program. Blood pressure and risk factors were collected with the internationally accepted standardization and quality control methods. The results of this survey showed that:(1)the age adjusted prevalence rate of hypertension (SBP≥140 or DBP≥90 mmHg or taking antihypertensive medication within two weeks) was 11.26% (male 12.15%,female 10.32%) and the definite hypertensive rate(SBP≥160 or DBP≥95 or on medication) was 5.29% (male 5.38%,female 5.21%). With the same criteria for hypertensive diagnosis,the prevalence rate of hypertension was increased about 25% and the prevalence rate of borderline hypertension was elevated from 2.28% to 6.15% during the ten years period from 1979~80 to 1991, but the definite hypertension rate was slightly decreased from 4.67% to 3.26% during the same period;(2)the prevalence rate was progressively increased with ageing. The older the groups were the greater their prevalence rate of hypertension was elevated after age at 35. Prevalences rate of hypertension were generally higher in men than women before approximatly age 44 and then was similar for men and women between ages 45 and 59, but women had much higher prevalence of HBP in ages over 60;(3)it was demonstrated that there were remarkable differences in hypertension prevalence in different parts of China. Hypertension prevalences were higher in the northern rather than the southern part of China and a descending gradient in prevalence of hypertension was found from the north eastern to the south western parts of China;(4)there were significantly lower rates in rural than in urban areas. Finally,the results of preliminary analysis for prevalence rates of hypertension among different occupations,nationalities,and educational levels were presented.
出处 《高血压杂志》 CSCD 1995年第A01期7-13,共7页 Chinese Journal of Hypertension
关键词 高血压 发病率 发展趋势 hypertension prevalence rate trend China
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